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Is a tax relief payment plan possible with the Georgia DOR?

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2021 | Tax Debt

Unfortunately, struggling with debt is an issue that many people face at various points in their lives. For some, the problem may seem to just compound on top of itself and domino into a difficult predicament. For example, a person could lose his or her job, be unable to generate enough income to meet basic needs and then also owe come tax time. It may seem like one trouble after another, but tax relief is possible. 

When dealing with outstanding tax balances associated with the Georgia Department of Revenue, state residents may worry that they will not be able to get their balances paid. Fortunately, the Georgia DOR does offer payment plans to qualifying individuals as well as other relief options. While these plans cannot last longer than 60 months, it could help struggling parties receive a manageable settlement and payment plan. 

Of course, not everyone qualifies for such a plan, and the following details could prevent an approval: 

  • The state DOR has already sent the tax liability to a private collection agency. 
  • The taxpayer has filed for bankruptcy. 
  • The taxpayer is not up to date on state tax return filings, meaning not all returns have been filed. 
  • The taxpayer has already applied for an offer in compromise and has a pending application with the state DOR. 

In some cases, available tax relief options may not be obvious or easily accessible to those who need them. As a result, it may be useful to have help with finding the relief option that is right for a particular situation. Fortunately, experienced Georgia tax law attorneys could help concerned taxpayers better understand their options for addressing outstanding balances with the state Department of Revenue. 

